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HME Supplier Code of Conduct
This Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the minimum standards of business conduct that we expect from all of our suppliers:
1. Compliance with laws: Suppliers shall comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to them.
2. Environmental sustainability: HME expects its suppliers to demonstrate a clear understanding of the environmental risks, impacts and responsibilities associated with the products and services they provide and should have in place an effective environmental policy, statement or program to mitigate environmental risks, the implementation of which should be evident throughout all levels of the company.
3. Human rights and social sustainability: HME expects that all suppliers will have policies in place that confirm the supplier’s commitment to the following points:
- All employment shall be freely chosen by the worker.
- Suppliers should adhere to local laws relating to the minimum working age and not engage in the employment of child labor, directly or indirectly.
- At a minimum, the legal minimum wage standard must be adhered to across the entire workforce, employees should receive clear information on their wages, and unfair deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are not permitted.
- Working hours must be limited according to national or local law, including breaks.
- A safe and hygienic working environment should be provided with an awareness of any industry-specific hazards. Relevant training should be provided to employees.
- Abuse, threat of abuse, and sexual or other harassment or intimidation should be prohibited by suppliers.
4. Subcontracting: No subcontracting shall occur without prior authorization from HME. When authorized, subcontracting that is used to support the execution of services for HME, the supplier must confirm that the subcontractor meets the minimum expectations set out in Section 3 above.
5. Diversity and inclusiveness: HME adheres to the principles of Diversity and Inclusion. As such, all sourcing decisions, contracts and management of supplier relationships will reflect and promote these principles. HME has a zero-tolerance policy for suppliers to ensure that suppliers do not victimize, harass or discriminate against any employee or party to the contract due to their sex, gender identity/expression, marital or civil partnership status, race, ethnicity or national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age or part-time status. Suppliers will be required to meet the requirements of any applicable discrimination legislation.
6. Ethics: The highest standard of integrity is expected in all of our business dealings. Any and all forms of corruption, extortion, bribery (including facilitation payments), and embezzlement are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate contract termination and legal action. Furthermore, suppliers are prohibited from providing HME Employees with money or anything of value to any person if the circumstances indicate that it is probable that all or part of the money or other thing of value is being given to another individual or entity to influence official action or to obtain a business advantage.
Suppliers are expected to understand HME’s internal Employee Code of Conduct in relation to all gifts and hospitality before offering or providing HME personnel with any gift and/or business entertainment. Gifts or entertainment should never be offered to HME personnel or representatives under circumstances that create the appearance of impropriety.